Updates 最新消息
Stay tuned to this page for news and updates!Congratulations to the finalists!
Congratulations to the 20 teams whose apps have been selected for release to the Google Play Store and (where possible) Apple App Store. Please take a look at our downloads page for updates and download links.
Many thanks to the teams who presented at SCCL’s 5th International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language. We’ll be inviting all teams to a special prize presentation ceremony later this year—stay tuned for more information!
Top 5 teams:
- 乐乐大比拼 – YES!, by Anglican High School
- 宝宝学字 – Bao Bao Xue Zi, by Institute of Technical Education
- 易习华文 – EC Learn, by Nan Hua High School
- 圣诞和朋友们 – Xmas and His Friends, by Hwa Chong Institution
- 文具世界 – PENtastic, by Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
Remaining Top 20 teams:
- 小熊猫学华文 – Panda Learns Chinese, by Dunman High School
- 图战 – Tuzhan, by Hwa Chong Institution
- 超级市场冒险 – Supermarket Adventure, by Institute of Technical Education
- 学习游乐园 – ChiLearn Kids, by Jurong Junior College
- 动物王国大冒险 – Animal Kingdom, by Jurong Junior College
- 探险华文世界 – Exploring The World in Chinese
- 快乐小学堂 – Le Le Fun Learning, by Compassvale Secondary School
- 乐学天地 – Le Xue Garden, by Compassvale Secondary School
- 华语乐园 – Chinese Playground, by Dunman High School
- 指尖上的华文 – Chinese at your fingertips, by Hwa Chong Institution
- 我的家人 – My Family, by Nanyang Girls’ High School
- 口袋巴士 – Pocket Bus, by NUS High School of Mathematics and Science
- 探索华语:新加坡版 – Exploring Chinese, by NUS High School of Mathematics and Science
- 我的游乐园 – Our Playschool, by Temasek Junior College
- 乐乐乐园 – Lele Land, by Woodgrove Secondary School
You can download the full list of award winners at this link: SCCL App Competition Prize Winners 2018.
Final Submission Details
Here are some critical updates for this competition, re-posted from Slack:
Deadline: As the previous deadline fell on Good Friday, we’ve extended it past the weekend. The new submission deadline is Monday, 2 April 2018, at 3pm.
Where to submit: Please go to the link in Slack to submit. Please expect to spend at least 10 minutes answering questions and uploading files.
What to submit: Everything is in the link. Details:
- Blurb & screenshots. What would you write to get users to download your app? Keep in mind your target audience: probably teachers and parents.
- Copyrighted material. Please list here all credits for externally sourced media, including all original authors, and links to the original material.
- Software used. For the Open Category especially, we need you to list where to get all the software we need to open your source files.
- Source code. Please upload your Thunkable/App Inventor AIA export file, or full source code for other platforms. Please compress into a ZIP file before uploading.
- Installable (optional). If there’s a APK or executable, please provide here so we can play with your app easily.
- App demo, as file and as YouTube link. Please test to make sure your link is viewable by us.
- Social media URL: Please upload your video demo (or, if you have time, an awesome trailer for your app) onto Instagram or Facebook, with hashtag #scclappcompetition, your group number, and tag @tinkercademy (on FB/Insta) and @SCCLSG (on FB). Share a link to either or both.
Thanks! As always, please email us at appcompetition2018@sccl.sg if you have any questions.
Briefing for finalists on 12 Jan
Congratulations to the teams who made it to the finals of the competition! Your teachers should have been notified in December. For the teams who didn’t qualify, we hope you had an enjoyable and fruitful learning experience, and that you’ll take what you learned and apply it towards making amazing things.
For the teams who qualified, please note there’s a briefing for finalists. Details below:
- When: 12 January 2018, 2:30pm to 5:30pm
- Where: Singapore Centre for Chinese Language, 287 Ghim Moh Road
- Please note this briefing is not compulsory. We will provide the updates/slides on Slack* after the briefing.
* Has your team joined the finalist Slack group yet? If not, please send an email to appcompetition2018@sccl.sg with your team number, CCing all your team members’ emails.
Here’s the plan for the briefing:
- Milestone submission and presentation details
- General feedback and showcase of existing apps
- Using Slack to communicate
- Assets and avatars available for use
- Making your game more fun: gamification concepts
- (Optional, from 4pm) Concurrent feedback/consultation sessions
See you there, or on Slack!
Submission Details
Reminder to all teams: Submission deadline is Friday, 17 November, 11:59am (before noon). If you face any issues submitting, please email us ASAP at appcompetition2018@sccl.sg.
How to submit: The submit link is tk.sg/scclsubmit. A Google account is required for submission; you can use your teachers’.
What to submit: Please refer to the briefing slides for details. Be sure to include these 3 items, and read the slides carefully to ensure you have met all requirements:
- App design document
- Mockup
- App demo
Thank you for participating, and enjoy your holidays!
Theme “Lucky Draw” Results
If you forgot your theme numbers, please drop us an email.
- 文具
- 小朋友的游戏
- 天气
- 兴趣爱好
- 本地食物和餐具
- 工作/职业
- 学校/课室有什么?
- 我们的节日
- 蔬菜水果
- 心情/情绪
- 日期和时间
- 交通和道路
- 我的房间
- 花草树木
- 动物
- 日常用语
- 游乐园
- 新加坡的景点
- 我的家人
- 我们的社区
Training & Resources 培训与素材
This page will be updated with the latest resources for your app development journey.
The shared Google Drive folder is available below:
Shared Resources FolderPasswords protecting the ZIP files containing curriculum resources have been provided at the briefing. Please email (teachers: from your MOE account; students: CC your teacher-in-charge) if you need them.
- Welcome slides
- Overview of Chinese reference resources
- Competition overview
- Training slides on Intro to wireframing and prototyping
Downloadable resources: